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Participate with DCA Committees!


Government Relations

Target specific regulatory and legislative items and report their findings through the Legislative watch section of the DCA News and DCA Web page. Present to the board those issues we believe our members would benefit by advocating for or against.  Read More...

Trenchless Committee

To promote the use and education of Horizontal Directional Drilling as a viable, safe and environmentally friendly construction method. This will be accomplished by supporting safety & environmental training, technical development, and good practices guidelines that sustain professional productive contractors. Read More...

Membership Committee

Actively solicit and evaluate potential DCA members and make recommendations on member programs and awards. Read More...

Safety / Risk Committee

Review all information concerning safety in the industry and safe job-site practices. Has oversight for the Arthur T. Everham Safety Award and the Annual Safety Congress. Read More...

Workforce Development Committee

To develop, coordinate and implement a strategy that supports the growth of the resources needed through promotion of our industry as a career, using the vast knowledge and leadership the DCA members have to offer, and coordination with other industry professionals. Read More...